Spaces dedicated to hygiene and personal care are called upon to meet stringent standards in terms of quality and to offer maximum comfort of use to their users. When designing spaces such as toilets in hotels, restaurants, offices, shops, shopping centres or other activities open to the public, it is ...
Hands ruined by work? Not necessarily!
For those who perform certain tasks, damaged hands are considered almost an unavoidable 'side effect'. Mechanics, farmers, electricians, metalworkers and builders are some of the professionals who put their hands to the test, taking it for granted that they have to deal with dryness, wrinkles, calluses ...
MacroCream: our must-have, in a brand-new package
Actively listening to the market is one of the key activities for companies wishing to become a point of reference for their customers, providing products that are always in line with the real needs of users. Your daily professional needs are the central focus around which all Nettuno business processes ...
Protection, cleanse and restore of your hands: discover the new Skin Care Programme
You may use numerous tools, machines and utensils in the course of your work, but often your hands remain the main tool for completing your tasks. While you strive every day to perform your job with maximum efficiency, it is your hands that are on the front line and in daily contact with numerous ...
Nettuno and sustainability, a concrete relationship
One of the greatest entrepreneurial challenges facing companies today is that of sustainability, understood as a 360° commitment to safeguarding social, economic and environmental well-being. For the most far-sighted entrepreneurs, creating value means implementing growth plans that manage to maintain a ...
Professional hand cleaner: protection and safety for your skin
The skin is a formidable protective barrier against external aggression from daily activities at home and at work: it is our job to take care of it with gentle hygiene, using professional hand cleansers and the most effective protective creams. Skin tissues are constantly regenerating themselves to ...
Hand care in industry: an important step
Our hands are an indispensable tool and a valuable point of contact with the world, both in everyday life and at work. In any industrial context, the hands make an indispensable functional contribution and are constantly at the forefront. This makes them one of the parts of the body most exposed to ...
Hand cleaning cream: why choose it?
The use of hand cleansing paste is nowadays a matter of course for many workers, but it was not always so. Many developments have led to the use of increasingly high-performance and safe products in the workplace, which have made skin care an easy habit to implement. While handwash paste formulations ...