Contact dermatitis on hands and fingers: irritant or allergic?
Contact dermatitis can be either irritant or allergic. The two types of dermatitis differ in their triggering cause and symptoms, but both are particularly annoying, if not disabling, for the sufferer. Find out how to recognise and treat irritant contact dermatitis (also known as ICD) and allergic ...
Dry, chapped hands: causes and remedies
The skin of our hands is an indispensable organ that every day acts as a barrier against numerous external aggressions of a thermal, physical or chemical nature. Dry, cracked or reddened hands are the result of a profound state of imbalance in the skin and, in particular, its precious hydrolipid film, ...
Mechanic’s overalls detergent: how to remove grease
Workshop workers' overalls are often soiled with substances that are difficult to remove, such as grease, oil, lubricants, glues, rust or solvents. Removing grease stains from mechanics' overalls is an arduous task if the most suitable professional detergents are not used, which are suitable for ...
Hand cleaners for workshops: which one to choose?
Professionals who work in workshops such as mechanics, body repairers, electricians, tyre fitters and similar jobs every day are exposed to the occurrence of many accidents, even serious ones, as well as the possible development of occupational diseases due to the use of dangerous equipment or ...
How to clean dirty hands and nails: all the ways to whiten them
Workers' hands are subjected to daily stresses that amplify the risk of skin irritation, wear and tear and actual occupational diseases. Exposure of the skin to chemical and physical hazards is an inconvenience that affects workers employed across multiple sectors: professionals working in industry, as ...
Hands cream of masons: against eczema and dermatitis from cement
There are more than 11 million construction professionals in Europe and the construction sector is one of the most developed in Italy. The sector is also one of the largest and most complex in terms of health and safety. Suffice it to say that, according to Eurostat reports, construction ranks third in ...
Safety standards in the workshop: what are they?
One of the most challenging objectives for those who deal with safety in the workplace is to spread a real shared culture on the subject, which can involve employers, managers and employees across the board. Still too often, however, the discipline in this respect is seen as a superfluous fulfilment, and ...
Protecting your skin from the sun: strategies and products for working outdoors
Exposure to ultraviolet radiation is an often underestimated risk factor, but UV radiation presents a real danger to skin health. In particular, the UVA and UVB components are capable of reaching the deeper layers of the skin and causing even significant damage. While concerns about direct exposure to ...
Hands at work in winter, how to protect them?
The skin is the largest organ of the human body and its functions are essential for our well-being. There are many roles that the skin plays, but in particular it is responsible for connecting us with the world through its sophisticated perceptual functions, keeping us safe from pathogens and protecting ...
Nettuno handwash dispensers: design, hygiene and practicality
It is essential to spread a proper hygiene culture within companies. To achieve this, it is useful to provide employees with the most practical and effective tools for washing hands, the part of the body that most often comes into contact with stubborn dirt, irritants or aggressive chemicals. With the ...